Packing/Food Processing

UFCW Local 7 meat packing and food processing members work for JBS USA, Darling National, Mission Foods, and Denver Processing. It’s the hard work of UFCW Local 7 members behind the scenes that help put some of our nation’s favorite foods on the kitchen table.
The food processing industry is a high hazard industry due to interactions with animals and heavy machinery. Line speeds and other factors also play a role and workplace safety is a key concern. UFCW Local 7 fights to ensure a safe workplace for workers in the food processing and meat packing industries.
Our members benefit from joining UFCW Local 7 because our union provides workplace safety protections, which gives workers the ability to speak out or stop the line without fear of retaliation or being fired when those protections are denied.
The UFCW works with employers to make sure workers have a seat at the table and a say regarding health and safety in the workplace.
UFCW contracts include health and safety language to protect workers, including safe working conditions, union access to perform worksite inspections and medical and exposure records, training, joint health and safety committees, chief walking stewards, and provide protective equipment where appropriate. Our contracts also include reimbursement for protective gear.
Many members also appreciate additional opportunities for career development through job-related trainings or participation in leadership opportunities, such as becoming a steward or serving on a safety committee.
Organize and unionize your workplace
Are you and your coworkers ready to negotiate together for bigger paychecks, stronger benefits and better lives? If you are, the steps to joining the UFCW Local 7 are simple.