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Staffing isn’t just a number - Our members tell the story…
“I work at store #36 in the pickup department. My department is extremely understaffed. Most of us are not getting our lunches or breaks and we are not being treated fairly. It's getting tiring to deal with.”
— Anonymous King Soopers#36
“I would like to see more help in my department because I can't continue to do the job of three clerks. We need help, we need workers!”
— King Soopers #21 Produce Manager
“I work at Store 62. I’ve seen a lot of different changes in staffing. I’ve been here 4 years, and we need help badly! Thank you.”
— Randy A. - King Soopers
“I work at Safeway 1928 in Aurora, Colorado. The hourly cuts are pretty prevalent in my store and our departments aren’t adequately staffed for their operational needs. Coworkers are losing hours and staff. Morale is plummeting, and our customers are feeling the negligence.”
— Saylon S. - Safeway
“I work for King Soopers Store 93. I’ve been with the Company for 8 1/2 years. I wanted to give this short note about staffing. It is so crazily understaffed there are hardly enough people there to do the job daily and people get in trouble constantly because of job performance. I don’t see how they can get in trouble for job performance when performing the job of several people. We need more people.”
— Roman V. - King Soopers
“I’m from King Soopers Store 6 in Colorado Springs. What I’m witnessing on our floors is that we’re expected to produce by a certain time on weekends. The Store is upset when they are the ones short staffing us. When we don’t get the quotas met, they come take pictures. This makes it seem like we’re not doing our job correctly, but we are all on the floor working. We are just short-staffed and overworked. We are expected to do stuff that two people should be doing but only one person is working.”
— Lorenzo G. - King Soopers
“Staffing is affecting me. I have a bunch of paid time off that I cannot use because we don't have the staff to cover my requested time off.”
— Nicole M. - Safeway
“In my experience, the Company has no communication between store managers. One says no to overtime and then another says yes to overtime. This makes my job hard when I am short staffed. I do not know if I need to take the load to the back or continue working.”
— Marcus - King Soopers
“If I don’t have a Click List manager and I’m doing the job of one, I would like to receive the bonus that they get.”
— Andre - King Soopers
“I would like the store manager to not push us out of the store when our job is not finished. We are so understaffed and then they say no to any overtime!”
— Nate - King Soopers
“The understaffing is really putting a lot of pressure on people because you have more work to do. This leads to more accidents, which leads to more stress and then leads to customers not getting what they need. Such as, products on the shelves not being prioritized. I think if we had more staffing it would help everyone relax and do the job the way it should be done.”
— Bill J. - King Soopers
“I work in the meat department and understaffing is affecting us because there's too much work for us to get done within the time allowed. This causes a lot of stress for all of us, which then causes us to get backed up and then stuff doesn’t get done.”
— Storm - King Soopers
“Being short-staffed has been really stressful and the Company is trying to push us to do more. We can't because we don't have the people, and nobody sticks around.”
— Susie - Safeway
“I have been affected by short staffing in the deli and bakery departments. It has been hard, and we definitely need a lot of help around the entire store and in all the departments at Safeway.”
— Paige H. - Safeway
“I have been with the Company for about two years. We are extremely understaffed. Everything is falling apart on all sides. The Company definitely needs to do better.”
— Jaime G. - King Soopers
“I see a lot of short staffing in my stores and other stores when I am shopping. The front-end department is completely short staffed to the point that they are having to call outer department members to come help, myself included. This causes me stress because I'm not getting all of my things done that are needed in my department, but they are still expecting the same amount of work done even if I'm getting pulled in 10 different directions. This causes stress outside of work. I'm losing sleep because I'm thinking about my work. We need more people. I just don't feel like Safeway is doing enough to get that done.”
— Betty - Safeway
“I would like to say that I don’t want to merge with Kroger. I would like to keep it the way it is, but I am ready to fight the good fight!”
— Dowell W. - Safeway
“I've been with King Soopers for 38 years, and I personally have never seen staffing as bad as it is currently. It affects everybody in our department and in other departments. It's definitely an issue.”
— Marvin - King Soopers
“I've been in the produce department with King Soopers for five months. I've been in Starbucks for a little over two months. In both departments, they are understaffed, but especially the produce department. Starbucks was so understaffed when I joined, they speed up and cut corners on my training just to hurry up and get me certified. We are about to be down two more people.”
— Kayden - King Soopers
“I transferred into the store two years ago, and we've been shorthanded the whole time that I've been here. We're not meeting the standards because we don't have enough people to do the required work. Since we're not meeting the standards, they are taking away hours. This doesn't make any sense to me.”
— Irene C. - King Soopers
“I’m the apparel manager. I've been here for five years. I’m doing the job of three people, and they are still not hiring anyone for my department.”
— Aubrey - King Soopers
“I'm the front-end supervisor at Store 24. I feel that we are definitely understaffed. We could use more courtesy clerks and cashiers. This would help us to take care of and satisfy the customers in a timelier manner.”
— Crystal D. - King Soopers
“I’m the front-end supervisor at Store 24. We are severely understaffed and very overwhelmed. We would like to be heard and get a little more help. Thank you.”
— Robert O. - King Soopers
“I'm from Store 24. I've been working at the Store for almost 3 years. We've been really short-staffed, and we really need help.”
— Isaac V. - King Soopers
“We're short-staffed. Just come in and look. The other day, I had to work in another department because we are short-staffed. So, anything you can do to bring staffing up would help. This is necessary.”
— Kevin B. - King Soopers
“I'm a cake decorator at a Safeway bakery. I am currently struggling with the cutting of hours and the short staffing. I am not able to keep up with my Vision Pro. I can't keep enough product out on our tables and in the cake case. I constantly have an empty cake case. With our production numbers down, it means our sale numbers are also down.”
— Nat - Safeway
“I'm from Safeway Store 2246. We are short-staffed. Day after day there is no help. We have no caddies, cashiers have to let people into the restrooms, and we have to unlock the carts. It’s also somewhat dangerous here.”
— Altra B. - Safeway
“I’m at Store 115. Short staffing is making us work longer hours and keeping us all stressed out. On top of that, we are stressing about the upkeep of our work.”
— Finn - King Soopers
“I’m with King Soopers Store 55. We need more hours to provide more staffing.”
— Lauren - King Soopers
“I’ve only been working with King Soopers for a short period of time, but I see that short staffing is weighing on some difficulties in our scheduling. I feel like if we had more people, it would be better.”
— Ricky B. - King Soopers
“I’ve only been here for 6 months, but I would like more help in my department.”
— Bakery Clerk - King Soopers
“I work at Store 55 in the deli. Since I have been here, short staffing has been a serious issue. Many days it feels like we need an extra two or three people to do our work, and we just don’t have the people. The Company keeps adding more and more work that we need to do in the same amount of time without adding anyone to help.”
— Erik P. - King Soopers
“I’m with King Soopers. I’m just trying to let them know that they’re short staffed in some departments. Sometimes they have to grab people from other departments and because they do that those people are missing things in their department.”
— Michelle E. - King Soopers
“There has been quite a bit of turnover as far as people coming into the store. I think in the last few years it’s been getting worse. People don’t want to stick it out. They don't want to hang around. The situation is getting very, very bad.”
— Rich G. - King Soopers
“Over the years, I’ve noticed that Kroger has hired less people and given us less hours but requiring us to do more with less.”
— RC M. - King Soopers
“I would like to see in my contract something where upper management doesn't change my schedule. People need to have a work/life balance, but store management changes the schedules all the time.”
— Meat Manager - King Soopers
“I work my ass off in Click List. I would like to get the bonus the supervisors get.”
— Click List Lead - King Soopers
“I’m at Store 344. I’ve been here two years. We can really use more help and more hours in produce.”
— Andrew C. - Safeway
“I’ve been with the Company going on eight years. I want to see better vacation time and better wages on this upcoming contract.”
— Amy - Safeway
“I was a deli department manager, and we were always short-staffed at Albertsons/Safeway Store 344.”
— Vicky H. - Safeway
“I’ve been here for four years. Every day I notice that we have a staffing issue. It's not just this place, but it’s every Safeway. We can’t get people to help us and because of that we can't get what we need done. Some days it’s only two people or less. The worst-case scenario is one person doing everything for the whole day. We need more people to help us out.”
— Jordan - Safeway
“I work in Murray’s cheese at Store 82. I feel that wages are really important to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle for all of us.”
— Rachel S. - King Soopers
“I've been with King Soopers since 1988. I'm here to fight for our wages because this is unfair. They say that they can't afford to give us raises and the Company keeps continually making money year after year. I recently got told that our hours are going to get cut at a million-dollar store. That doesn't make sense to me with the money we make here at Store 82 in Golden, CO.”
— Joe O. - King Soopers
“I work in the deli department. I would like to see in the new contract higher weekly hours. At least 28 hours per week.”
— Anonymous - Safeway
“I work at Store 322. Yes, we are always short-staffed.”
— Jenny - Safeway
“I work at Store 322. I’ve been here for five years. The staffing issues here are bad. Customers are affected by having to wait. We as people are affected in our personal lives. It affects our daily activities that we have to perform, our safety is overlooked, and we can't perform our daily job responsibilities.”
— Michelle T. - Safeway
“I work at Safeway 322 in Golden, Colorado. I’ve been with Safeway for 40 years. I’ve noticed throughout the years that the Company is not staffing the stores right. Which causes conflict with each of us. Morale has gone down, and customers are very frustrated because of the lack of help. We are also in need of better wages, so that we can provide better services for a customer. Thank you.”