Stay in touch with retirees in your area! Contact a retiree group to receive information regarding retiree luncheons. Don’t see a group that is close to you? Feel free to start one!
Denver Metro Retail Retirees - Meet the first Monday of each month.
Denver Metro Meatcutter Retirees - Meet the third Wednesday of each month.
Colorado Springs Retail Retirees - Meet the first Friday of each month.
Contact Monique at 303-425-0897 ext. 403 to receive a monthly flyer regarding the above retiree luncheons.
Pueblo Retirees - Call for meeting date(s) and location(s). Becky 719-647-2477. Sandy 719-543-1485. Vicky 719-544-6417.
Western Slope Retirees - Call for meeting date(s) and location(s). Gail 970-243-0347. Loretta 970-858-7799.
Your fellow Union retirees would love to see you!

Rocky Mountain UFCW Unions & Employers Retail & Meat Pension Plan
Pension Meat & Retail
PO Box 1327 (Meat)
PO Box 1307 (Retail)
Arvada, CO 80001
Rocky Mountain UFCW Unions & Employers Retail & Meat Health Plan
PO Box 447
Arvada, CO 80001
Humana Communications
We are kicking off a virtual series program, where our members can learn and connect with others online in a small-group setting. The links below will take you to each online registration page:
Virtual series: Find your feel great weight, Blood pressure control program
Here are some other program highlights (links will take you to the virtual programs):