King Soopers Files Frivolous Lawsuit In Attempt To Silence Workers’ Voices During Strike


February 7, 2025

CONTACT: Monique Palacios | 303-425-0897 ext. 403

Denver, CO – UFCW Local 7 learned that earlier this afternoon King Soopers filed a baseless lawsuit against the Union. The Union is confident it will successfully defend against the suit, and that King Soopers’ claims will not survive initial scrutiny by a court.

This litigation is nothing more than an attempt to distract from King Soopers’ efforts to silence its workforce and prevent workers from reaching an equitable contract that addresses major issues like staffing, safety, and healthcare. Kroger will go to any length to hide its corporate greed in price gouging and shareholder buybacks.

In the frivolous lawsuit, King Soopers makes claims that UFCW Local 7 is ‘forcing’ King Soopers to bargain with other union locals and with its competitors. Actually, King Soopers invites its competitors, Safeway/Albertsons, to sit at its table for bargaining and to join its private caucus time. The Union vigorously denies any allegations that it is forcing King Soopers to bargain with any local union other than Local 7 and will zealously defend against any attempt to prevent the workers from securing a fair contract.

As President Kim C. Cordova stated: “It is particularly galling that King Soopers is making such false allegations given the Company’s own track record of being caught lying about illegal coordination agreements with its competitor Safeway/Albertsons during the 2022 ULP strike by UFCW Local 7 workers.”


Local 7, the largest Union in Colorado, is affiliated with United Food and Commercial Workers International Union which represents over 1.3 million workers in the United States and Canada, and is one of the largest private-sector Unions in North America. UFCW members work in a wide range of industries, including retail food, food processing, agriculture, retail sales, and health care.

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